Natural products

Discover the power of nature in our line of natural products carefully selected to bring you wellness and vitality.



What is Nutrenergy by Nature Boosters?
Nutrenergy is a unique, natural, energy booster that combines the best products from land and sea. This is a low-calorie drink contains the best of all roots, vegetables, algae and fruits high in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, energizers, antioxidants and probiotics.
Our natural booster product brings together all the best qualities of its ingredients in a low-calorie drink, available in green apple and tangerine flavors. Nutrenergy combines natural and organic products and spirulina algae extracts to provide as many benefits as possible in a single serving.
The spirulina microalgae has been declared “the food of the future” by the United Nations Assembly, and is being used by millions of people around the world to improve their nutrition and avoid diseases!
This drink comes in adult and child presentations without caffeine additives to provide nutritional balance. Additionally, Nutrenergy Plus contains maca and tea extracts to provide the energetic balance that high-performance athletes require.

What exactly does Nutrenergy contain, and how can it help me? 

This is an energy drink based on the nutritive values of vegetative extracts. It is an all-natural-ingredient based drink infused with natural juice and natural flavors, including fruit, vegetable, root and algae extracts of:

• Artichoke Leaf Extract (Cynara scolymus): Good for Cholesterol control and management, Protection of Liver from toxic effects and a good digestive aid.

• Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis): A powerful antioxidant helping boost energy and improve immune system, metabolic health and weight loss outcomes. Help improve brain function, focus and endurance. Contains indigenous vitamin complex including A, C, E and B type.

• Panax Ginseng Root Extract (Panang ginseng): An established ingredient for help managing stress control Cognizance and diabetes. Promotes heart-protective, anticancer and neuroprotective properties.

• Ginkgo Leaf Extract (Ginggo biloba): Helps in blood circulation and managing immune system. Promotes brain function and focus attention. Helps in degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

• Maca Root Extract (Lepedium meyenii): Natural energy booster helping in endurance, vitality reduction in anxiety and general libido (healthy sexual function)…..(not recommended for labeling (LK)

• Theanine (Amino Acid found in Green Tea): A very effective tool in relaxation, cognition, improving immune system, weight loss. May help increase efficiency of chemotherapy drugs.

• Bilirubin (Breakdown of heme (RBC) ): Studies show protective mechanism in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

• Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis L): Rich in polyphenol catechins and caffeine. Great for control of fat metabolism and high influence on health and exercise performance.

• Zeaxanthin (Carotenoid in retina of eye): May provide protection against development of AMD (Age-related macular degeneration).

• Blue Spirulina (Blue-green algae): Extremely high in many nutrients, a powerful antioxidant, cholesterol management, effective against anemia and may help in control of blood pressure.

What benefits do spirulina-based products have?

Our natural products are put together without dyes or chemical additives and are based on the green and blue spirulina microalgae. Spirulina’s high proportion of body absorption and its high nutritional content demonstrates a healthy stimulus that enhances all physiological activities as part of its wonderful properties.

Spirulina makes our range of products a remarkable biological source of proteins, vitamins and minerals, so it offers an important and powerful natural concentrate of great nutritional value for life. The organic spirulina used in our products presents the highest protein content of all natural foods, and is undoubtedly one of the clearest alternatives for solving the nutrition problems of today's and the future’s society.

Numerous clinical trials have linked spirulina to health benefits in different medical conditions, including but not limited to:

• Anemia: Spirulina increases hemoglobin, improves blood quality and increases red blood cell production thanks to its high iron and chlorophyll concentration, and its phycocyanin content, a blue pigment that helps induce Stem cell production in the bone marrow.

• Immunity: Spirulina has been shown to strengthen immunity by increasing the production of antibodies and cytokines, including interferons and interleukins, developing greater protection against viruses and microbes and improving immune status.

• Vision: Due to its high content of provitamin A and zeaxanthin, both responsible for ocular function, beneficial properties are attributed to improve vision in cases of macular degeneration or night blindness.

• Diabetes: Spirulina reduces bad cholesterol, triglycerides and also can control blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Some studies have shown that phycocyanin reduces circulating glucose levels and mitigates the consequences in case of excess sugars.

• Liver damage: Spirulina acts as a powerful regenerator of our intestinal flora and can also protect our liver. The results of the different scientific studies revealed that spirulina supplement has protective, antioxidant and anti-opoptic on liver damage caused by lead acetate.

Spirulina has anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant and the ability to regenerate cells and tissues in the treatment of degenerative diseases. It’s been proven effective in combating many health problems, yielding optimal results in improving immune system weakness, acting as an aging prevention and regeneration agent, powerful antioxidant, anti-cholesterol, anti-deposits, and detoxifying substance.

However, spirulina’s benefits are not limited to just medical aid. This microalgae greatly enhances everyday lifestyles in areas such as:

• Hair, skin and nails: Because of its high content of proteins, vitamins of group B and minerals such as zinc, hair cells nourish and stabilize, which gives it a stronger and brighter appearance. Essential fatty acids help improve circulation and prevent its fall, also strengthening skin and nails.

• Water quality: Spirulina eliminates heavy metals –especially arsenic– increasingly present in the water we consume.

• Athletic performance: Spirulina’s rich composition easily absorbed proteins and antioxidants is useful for athletes to recover after intense physical effort. In addition, its high content of calcium and magnesium helps mitigate possible cramps. Spirulina is recommended in case of fatigue, lack of iron and recovery after intense physical exertion.

• Stem cell differentiation: This algae promotes the production of transport cells and defense of circulation in our body, as well as supporting stem cell specialization.

Additionally, spirulina acts as preventive care medicine. Products enhanced with spirulina will help prevent the breakage of DNA chains and promote their repair, while improving the enzymatic activity of the cell nuclei. Spirulina fights against the replication and development of dangerous microorganisms, including those that affect children.

Spirulina is also recommended in case of dirt in the body (heavy metals), excess cholesterol. Its properties include cleaning and protection against heavy metals and other toxic substances, as it very effectively reduces the toxicity of chemical products (heavy metals, medicines). It is advisable to consume systematically if chemicals are being ingested. It increases fecal excretion and therefore facilitates the elimination of cholesterol.

Finally, phycocyanin regulates and promotes the secretion of enhancer substances, having a direct action on problems in the body’s functioning, and is recommended in case of self-aggression of the immune system.


Bee wise

Honey, recharged! Bee Wise brings you all the benefits you know and love from honey with extra vitamins, minerals, spirulina and an allotropization process that makes sure your body absorbs it all.


Costa Rica

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